My first fountain pen - Parker 45 from my dad

This is truly my first "branded" fountain pen. It belongs to my father and I actually damaged his pen when I was young and I kept the pen in a drawer for many years. One day when my house was doing some painting or renovation work, we started to shift some furniture and the pen appeared again. By that time, I was studying at the National University of Singapore. When walking around Parkway Parade shopping mall with Chee Hoon, I saw a pen shop named Lin Kong and decided to ask if the pen can be repaired. To my wonderful surprise, the pen could be repaired with a brand new nib and the pen could once again be used again. This discovery and the term life time guarantee started my hobby of vintage fountain pen collection. During weekend, we would visit the various pawn shops, old stationary shops, flee markets, garage sales etc to search for vintage and old pens that have left in the shelf and drawer. Remembering that in the 1980s fountain pens were not a popular instrumen...