Parker Giant Fountian pen (August 2023)

This is another Parker Giant fountain pen. It is different from my others Parker Giants as it does not come with the pocket clip. I presume this may be an earlier version. 

I saw this pen in Ebay but I didn't win the first time as someone has placed a higher bid than I. Later I receive an email offering me a second chance offer. I didn't respond to the second time offer immediately as I was not sure if its real from Ebay. By the time I responded, the second chance offer is gone as the seller has decided to relist the pen owing to nonpaying buyer. 

With the relisting, I have placed my bid again. Upon checking a few days ago, I was outbid again. In order to see if I can win it, I placed my maximum amount and decided to leave it as it is. This morning, I am happy to know that I have won the auction at a much lower price than my previous. I am trying to build my collection of Giant pens (Parker Giants, Waterman 58, and I am searching for a Waterman 20) and this piece will fit in nicely with the rest of the collection. 

In addition to these standard models, Parker also produced some even more extreme "Ultra-Giant" versions around 1912 that were around 224mm (8.75 inches) long. These had a hidden miniature "Baby" fountain pen inside the barrel that could be unscrewed. These were likely used as sales samples rather than for regular use.

Parker Giants with pocket clips.


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